
Sunday, November 07, 2010


 Another training day for Denzel Washington who, along with Chris Pine, his co-star, trek through the rail system of Pa.
 It takes a while for Denzel (Frank Barnes) and Pine (Will Colson) to become the main focus of the movie, but it is an entertaining wait. There is little real character development for Barnes and Colson, but you don't really need it. Inspired by true events, the real center of the movie is 777 (triple seven), the runaway freight train loaded with toxic chemicals and out of the yard heading toward civilization. Before it hits the end of the road, it threatens and destroys with the best of any Hollywood villian.
 It's kind of like "Titanic," you ultimately know what's going to happen, but  the journey getting there is the fun. And unlike some movies, all of the best stuff isn't revealed in the trailers.
 It's an attention-grabber from the beginning, where some questionable decisions set the chain of events in motion. Rosario Dawson is the yardmaster who has to first take control of the situation and she sparkles in the role. It's good to see that "Clerks 2" didn't derail her career, much like she'd like to do to the train.
 This is a good summer movie coming out in mid-November. It's a nice thing to see instead of just the traditional late-year fare of touchy-feely, made for Oscar-race tearjerkers.
 $8 out of $10.

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