
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Job Preview

 Recently I experienced the worst of everything the job hunting experience has to offer.
 OK, it wasn't all bad as I at least had the opportunity to go for a "job preview" at Sitel, a customer call center that claims to employ the most people in Augusta.
 I knew going in we were there to get background on the company, participate in a group interview and then take some tests on a computer. If you passed through all that, then you would make it to the one-on-one interview portion of the job-hiring process.
 There were 11 of us ushered into a conference room, and after given time to read about the company, they played a video for us. It was the weirdest thing. It was like they were trying to brainwash us with frames of flashing lights, slogans and supposedly inspirational music. That scene could be a skit on Saturday Night Live. The video was made in 2007, and perhaps they should have updated it as the last slide was a picture of Tiger Woods with the caption "Seeing the Big Picture." If he could have seen the big picture, I think he might have avoided being beaten with a nine-iron.
 The panel interview wasn't nearly as horrendous as other group/panel interviews I've had before. We had four questions to answer (and quite the posers they were): 1. Name and last job; 2. First job ever; 3. Three words co-workers would use to describe you; 4. Biggest challenges to overcome if given the job at Sitel.
 Then it was off to the computers. There was a typing test and then a test on basic computer knowledge. I understand the typing test and the basic computer knowledge test, but the ensuing assessment test (with too many questions to number) was annoying. Two of the main themes I took away from the last 100 questions or so is that they frown upon the use of drugs and they don't like people stealing from work.
 Here is a sample of the test.
 Choose the most correct answer:
 A. Using illegal drugs at work is OK if used on a break.
 B. It is better to give a co-worker illegal drugs than to sell them.
 C. Illegal drugs are bad.
 Now just rewrite the question and anwers about 15 different times and insert.
 It also got me wondering what they are worried about people stealing from a call center. Are they afraid those funky, cool headsets are going to walk away? How much stuff can you really get from the middle of a call center? Maybe a lot if you're high.
 There was also a SAT-style math and vocabulary test. Much like my own SAT scores I'm sure I did much better on the verbal than the math. The math, I suppose, was to see how we could reason, but I think mainly to find out if we remember how to add fractions and combine negative and positive numbers. With the type of vocabulary they presented, I can't imagine anyone that smart having to dial up a call center.
 Back to the assessment test, though. There were way too many questions that needed to have gray area answers, not just black-and-white options. And like the drugs, how many times do you need to ask if I've ever lost my temper. I'm 44 years old, OF COURSE I HAVE! I believe I would be hard pressed to find anyone over the age of well, birth, that hasn't.
 Anyway, if you haven't guessed, Sitel said they would be hiring soon and expect a call by the next day. The next day has come and gone. I think I'm starting to lose my temper.

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