
Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Its a New Year

There seems to be some thought that because the calendar year has turned to 2021 that things will automatically be better. I’ll take an optimistic bent and say I hope so.

The Washington Football Team (WFT) making the playoff is a good start. Sure better than having to say WTF.

The pandemic changed so many things last year. It took a while for Connor to accept the answer of “No we can’t do that because of Covid.” He’s come to accept the ways things are for now, and after a short push back, he took to wearing his mask without too much grumbling. He’s had birthday parties with plenty of friends in attendance before, this year will be scaled down. Harper was blissfully unaware of a lot of the major changes last year, but she is beginning to ask questions about why we can’t do this or that.

Shaving became optional at times as well.

Last year was a big year for the pair. With Connor schooling from home for the last few months of the academic year, I would like to think it brought the two of them closer together as they were forced to spend more time together. While Connor is maturing, it is nice to see that he’ll just skip at times without thinking about it. Harper is trying to skip along with him, but at this point she just manages a one-leg horse trot.

Some activities will remain the same in 2021. Outdoor activities helped stem the tide of cancelled ones and we should be able to make our annual trip to Fripp Island this summer.

One of our favorite trips is the hour-plus ride to the zoo in Columbia. It was closed from March to June and that hurt. They reopened with a substantial number of safety protocols, making that a trip we’ve repeated often. The thought of not being able to go is too much to bear. 

Indoor activities around the house were commonplace, and we’ve learned how to make slime a few different ways. I can’t even count the number of monster chases there have been around our first floor.

We certainly will have less mail in 2021. After getting through the sludge of the November elections, we’ve had to put up with run-off flyers in our box on a daily basis. I wonder how much these candidates spend to have them shredded and trashed immediately. And while we’re active voters, both sides get the ax. And thankfully the heinous attack ads both sides run should cease tonight.

Hopefully seems to be the key word for the coming year. Let’s give it a shot.


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