
Friday, November 19, 2010

"The Next Three Days"

 Based on a boring story, this two-hour plus snoozer is exciting possibly for those who are taking depressants.
 I'll give the makers of the trailer for the movie credit for making this "thriller" look like it is full of non-stop action. Nothing could be further from the truth. Most of the movie is spent on close-ups of Russell Crowe brooding because his wife (Elizabeth Banks) is in jail after being convicted of murder.
 At the end they definitively let us know if she is guilty or innocent, but I really didn't care. By that time, Crowe, playing a mild-mannered junior college professor had somehow turned into a criminal mastermind and broken his wife out of jail. And except for a moment or two, even the escape is relatively mundane.
  Brian Denehy played Crowe's father which wasn't much of a role at all, but at least it confirmed he's still alive.
 The best thing about the movie was the preview of Liam Neeson's new movie, "Unknown," which will be out in the near future.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Funny- just saw an interview of Crowe on "Charlie Rose" and he made me want to see it....I guess you just never can tell, huh?:-)