
Monday, September 05, 2011

"The Debt"

 In 1966, three Mossad agents come together in East Berlin to nab the Nazi war criminal, Surgeon of Birkenau. 31 years later, circumstances reunite the trio.
 The first hour or so is intriguing, the last 20 minutes to half hour was kind of a letdown as was the ending.
 Agent Rachel Singer, played by Helen Mirren and Jessica Chastain is the main focus of the movie. Chastain (who was outstanding in "The Help") plays the 1960s version of Rachael while Mirren tackles the older version.
 There's a big secret involved with the trio and it takes a while for it to be revealed. In between, it is a good thriller set in the early Cold War and the interaction between the three agents keeps the story moving when the action slows. Once the secret is revealed, for me, the movie starts rolling downhill.
 Overall I'd say it's worth the money, but the promise unfilled is a little disappointing.

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