
Sunday, December 04, 2011

Hooters of Augusta

Amanda of Augusta
 I've finally found the perfect place to watch Redskins games after 12 weeks this year and all the non-home games last year.
 Yeah sure, you're thinking the women are why, but that's too easy. Maybe I'm just tacky and delightfully unrefined. No, at this point in my life, I just want a place I can go where I know the game will be on every week as well as every other game in the same time slot.
 I spent time at another location in Augusta previously, but it was a combination restaurant/bar, so it was harder to find a
decent spot to watch the game. There were some other Redskins fans there consistently, so I would sit with (or near) them, but we weren't friends, just guys watching the game.
 Now I can just sit by myself and watch the game. The waitresses are chatty and they make a nice distraction during commercials, and to be honest, while walking around, but it's a nice easy atmosphere. People probably think I'm a psycho as I sit there muttering to myself as the Redskins are pretty horrible this year, but I don't care.
 It doesn't hurt that at this stage in my life I realize the reason the waitresses talk to me at all is: A. It's part of their procedure; B. It helps them tip-wise for chatting up their mostly male customers; C. They are all at least 20 years younger than me so small talk is about all I want to summon, D. I have Melanie at home and (disappointing on some level) they don't interest me in the least.

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