
Friday, January 29, 2021

Like Father Like Son

 As Connor continues to get older, it is easy to see more of myself in him. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes not so much.

I’m not sure if I got this from my dad, but I like being places on time---or early if possible. If it’s somewhere I’ve never been, I like to leave early to give myself getting lost time, which has come in handy on more than one occasion. 

One of the biggest fights early on in my marriage came at the end of our honeymoon as Melanie wasn’t ready when I wanted to leave and we almost missed our flight from Kauai back to the mainland.

Just weeks after graduating high school in Germany, I was on the way to London for my induction to the Navy. My dad missed the exit heading to the Munich airport. I don’t remember my exact reaction, but I’m sure it wasn’t good.

Enter Connor and one of his biggest obstacles to overcome. During kindergarten before the pandemic, he wanted to get to school on time, but it was never an issue. These days it has become quite the production with meltdowns that would impress Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. On school nights just before bedtime, Connor will usually allow that he’s worried about being late for school the next day, a fear inspired by his sister. Recently he was dressed at 1 a.m. and ready to go. Luckily Melanie was able to convince to go back to sleep.

Harper gets dropped off at daycare after Connor, so they travel in the car together. The morning routine involves brushing teeth and getting shoes and socks on. One positive about Connor’s worries is that he finishes his part quickly. Then it’s off to “help” Harper who may be involved with Play-Doh, dancing and singing or other activities that don’t involve getting ready to leave.

A slight twist this morning led to tears being shed. Melanie is on a quick trip to Mississippi and I had to leave early for work, meaning Connor had to go to before care and ride the daycare bus to school. Even though she Facetimed with Melanie in the wee hours, Harper was despondent missing her mommy and refused to be buckled in her car seat. Of course that set Connor off, kind of like when one smoke alarm sets the entire house to full shriek. Connor was sweet in a manic sort of way, worried that I would be late for work.

Melanie talked to his teacher and it turns out that the first child to the classroom gets to help her in the morning. She arranged to give him some jobs to do no matter when he arrives which worked for a few days, but obviously it’s not a long-term fix.

He’s also been a Tom Brady fan for a few years now and he’s traded being a Patriots fan to being a Buccaneers fan this season, but that’s a problem we can wait to play out.

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