
Saturday, October 01, 2011

 In the past month President Obama has come out said he wants to use Georgia as the model for helping to reduce unemployment.
 God help us all!
 Thursday, I went to a job fair sponsored by the Georgia Department of Labor (GDOL). In the past two years I've been to a number of these and they've mostly been the same. I won't say I was excited but my interest level in this one was higher as it was publicized as being different.
 It certainly was.
 The main difference advertised was that there were going to be companies hiring on the spot and not just providing information. It took a while to see if that was true.
 The line stretching around the block to get in lasted for over 40 minutes, and the Georgia heat helped my deodorant wear off in about a half hour. The GDOL estimated 200 people would show up for the three-hour fair, but at last count it was over 900. The rest of the suckers-I mean people-must also have been drawn in by the promise of a job.
 Once inside, and despite the promotion, it was mostly the same. Same companies and same answers, "Yes we have jobs, go to the website." The only thing that was out of the norm was the cramped, oxygen-sucking space we were crammed in that allowed 100 people at a time as per the fire marshal.
 To be fair, there were a few employers there that actually came equipped with job applications, but the majority did not.
 I guess I'll just stick to the Internet for job hunting for now.

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